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Psst.. new poll here.
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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Plain Text by registered user Sam ( 5 years ago )
This is to the search engine knuckleheads that paved the way for seo/ sem charlatans.

You want to make page rank an authority for relevant websites? Do it socially.

That is, add a button next to search results pages that enables people to hide domains they find irrelevant to that respective search term, and thus hide websites that are inappropriate or gaming results.

You can go one further and add a button that permanently hides websites you never want to see in your search results too - that way you dont have to see those misleading websites again.

To expand on this mayhaps a 'yay', 'nay' and 'block' button per individual search result would suffice.

Three point two billion people ranking the websites, and no more seo/ sem spam emails from those dubious countries that want your money for blackhat pratices.. winrar!

Simple huh?


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