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Pasted as Bash by registered user mel_instagibson ( 7 years ago )
command /maingui [<player>]:
    permission: *
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "             &1&lTELEPORTS":
            make gui slot (36 and 44) with grass named "&2&lRandom TP" with lore "||&eTeleport to a random||&eLocation in the wilderness":
                execute command "/spreadplayers ~0 ~0 100 1000 false %gui-player%"
                close gui-player's inventory
            make gui slot 22 with compass named "&aPlease select an Option"
            make gui slot 4 with orange wool block named "{@factionsname}" with lore "{@factionsdesc}":
                send "%gui-player%" to "faction"
            make gui slot 24 with light green wool block named "{@safename}" with lore "{@safedesc}":
                send "%gui-player%" to "safe"
            make gui slot 20 with red wool block named "{@vanillaname}" with lore "{@vanilladesc}":
                send "%gui-player%" to "vanilla"
            make gui slot 38 with emerald named "&b&l    PLAYER MARKET" with lore "||&b◆ &eEnter the player market||&b◆ &eBuy from others or hire your own||&b◆ &eVendor to sell your stuff":
                make gui-player execute command "/warp market"
            make gui slot 42 with gold sword named "{@arenaname}" with lore "{@arenadesc}":
                send "%gui-player%" to "lobby"
            make gui slot 40 with decorated brick named "&b&l    TOWN WARPS" with lore "||&eTeleport to player-run towns||&eOr Melville's capital!":
                open gui "citygui" to gui-player
            open last created gui to arg-1

command /citygui:
        permission: *
                create gui with id "citygui" with virtual chest with 2 rows named "          &5Town Teleports":
                        make gui slot 9 with "umbreonx" parsed as offline player's skull named "&eUmbreonX's Armorstand collection":
                                execute command "/warp umbreonx %gui-player%"
                                close gui-player's inventory
                        make gui slot 4 with glowing emerald named "&aAVALON" with lore "||&eOfficial community city prototype||&eand capital of Melville||&eTalk to a staff member to join":
                                execute command "/warp avalon %gui-player%"
                                close gui-player's inventory

command /createarenagui:
        permission: *
                create a gui with id "arenagui" with virtual chest with 5 rows named "          &1&lArena & Duels":
                        make gui slot (2,6,7,8,11,15,17,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29,30,32,33,35,38,39,40,41,42,43 and 44) with magenta stained glass pane named " "
                        make gui slot 16 with glowing paper named "&r&eCreate new duel":
                                wait 1 tick
                                make gui-player execute command "/createduel"
                        make gui slot 31 with glowing chest named "&r&eSave custom kit" with lore "||&eSave your current inventory and||&eequipment as custom kit for use||&ein the arena or duels":
                        make gui slot 34 with structure_void named "&eCancel duel" with lore "||&d&oClick to cancel your||&d&ocurrent duel request":
                                execute command "/ee updatearenagui"
                                send "&b[&dINFO&b] &eDuel aborted" to gui-player


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