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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as VHDL by scrts ( 12 years ago )
case(read_state) is
      when start =>
         if(mem_write = '0' and read_empty = '1') then            -- if read FIFO is empty and other master is not writing...
            mem_read_addr <= mem_read_addr + burstcount;          -- unsigned + unsigned here
            avm_memrd_burstcount <= std_logic_vector(burstcount); -- constant burstcount: 0x5E packets
            mem_read <= '1';
            read_state <= begin_read;
            read_state <= start;
         end if;
      when begin_read =>
         if(avm_memrd_waitrequest = '0') then                     -- Wait until slave will be ready...
            mem_read <= '0';                                      -- and deassert the read signal
            read_state <= end_read;
            read_state <= begin_read;
         end if;
      when end_read =>  
         if(avm_memrd_readdatavalid = '1') then
            if(read_valid_counter = 93) then
               read_valid_counter <= (others => '0');
               read_state <= start;
               read_valid_counter <= read_valid_counter + 1;
               read_state <= end_read;
            end if;
         end if;
   end case;
-- The code that works, but not correctly:
   case(read_state) is
      when start =>
         if(mem_write = '0' and read_empty = '1') then            -- if read FIFO is empty and other master is not writing...
            mem_read_addr <= mem_read_addr + burstcount;          -- unsigned + unsigned here
            avm_memrd_burstcount <= std_logic_vector(burstcount); -- constant burstcount: 0x5E packets
            mem_read <= '1';
            read_state <= begin_read;
            read_state <= start;
         end if;
      when begin_read =>
         if(avm_memrd_waitrequest = '0') then                     -- Wait until slave will be ready...
            mem_read <= '0';                                      -- and deassert the read signal
            read_state <= end_read;
            read_state <= begin_read;
         end if;
      when end_read =>  
         --if(avm_memrd_readdatavalid = '1') then
            if(read_valid_counter = 93) then
               read_valid_counter <= (others => '0');
               read_state <= start;
               read_valid_counter <= read_valid_counter + 1;
               read_state <= end_read;
            end if;
         --end if;
   end case;


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