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Psst.. new poll here.
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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Python by Raph ( 4 years ago )
values_to_change = [[{'varVals': {'X': 3},
   'subtopicId': '0ef70af9-804e-496a-a2da-f4100fddec49',
   'options': ['3:1', '1x5'],
   'topic': 'gridbuttons',
   'inputMethod': 'done',
   'id': 247431,
   'categoryIdQuestion': [''],
   'templateid': '9baf9f70-45ac-4b0a-8d67-1b1dcc5a20d7',
   'answer': [0],
   'mathRep': None,
   'categoryIdVh': ['']},
  {'varVals': {'X': 4},
   'subtopicId': '0ef70af9-804e-496a-a2da-f4100fddec49',
   'options': ['20:1', '8:2'],
   'topic': 'gridbuttons',
   'inputMethod': 'done',
   'id': 247432,
   'categoryIdQuestion': [''],
   'templateid': '9baf9f70-45ac-4b0a-8d67-1b1dcc5a20d7',
   'answer': [1],
   'mathRep': None,
   'categoryIdVh': ['']}]]

for sublist in range(len(values_to_change)):
    for record in range(len(values_to_change[0][0])):


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