ngOnInit() {

               'assets/images/chicken.png', // load sprite textures (note a TON more configurations and options not shown here)
               'assets/images/chick.png'    // note you do not have to use array, you can chain multiple .add('myPath') together
          .on("progress", this.loadProgressHandler)

loadProgressHandler(loader, resource) {      // handles progress for loading (optional)
     console.log(`loaded ${resource.url}. Loading is ${loader.progress}% complete.`);

setup() {                                                             // runs when textures are done loading

     const bunny:Sprite = new PIXI.Sprite( 
          PIXI.loader.resources['assets/images/chicken.png'].texture  // create a new Sprite from an image path

     bunny.position.set( / 2, / 2); // move the sprite to the center of the screen; // adds the sprite to the stage

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