(define-module (pastebin)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
  #:use-module ((system repl server) #:prefix repl:)
  #:use-module (web request)
  #:use-module (web response)
  #:use-module (web server)
  #:use-module (web uri)
  #:use-module (web decode)
  #:use-module (pastebin render)
  #:use-module (pastebin template)

  #:export (run-pastebin))

(define (decode-string bv charset)
  (if (string-ci=? charset "utf-8")
      (utf8->string bv)
      (let ((p (open-bytevector-input-port bv)))
 (set-port-encoding! p charset)
 (read-delimited "" p))))

(define* (parse-www-form-urlencoded str #:optional (charset "utf-8"))
  (map (lambda (piece)
  (let ((equals (string-index piece #\=)))
    (if equals
        (cons (uri-decode (substring piece 0 equals) #:encoding charset)
       (uri-decode (substring piece (1+ equals)) #:encoding charset))
        (cons (uri-decode piece #:encoding charset) ""))))
       (string-split str #\&)))

(define (request-form-data request body)
  (if (bytevector? body)
      ;; Since valid application/x-www-form-urlencoded content only has
      ;; ascii characters, treat the incoming data as ascii (well,
      ;; latin-1), then use the charset when percent-decoding the
      ;; content.
      (request-form-data request (decode-string body "iso-8859-1"))
      (if (or (not body)
       (string-null? body))
   (let* ((content-type (request-content-type request))
   (charset (or (assoc-ref (cdr content-type) "charset") "utf-8")))
      ((equal? (car content-type) 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
       (parse-www-form-urlencoded body charset))
              (error "bad content-type" content-type)))))))
(define (get-request? request)
  (eq? (request-method request) 'GET))

(define (post-request? request)
  (eq? (request-method request) 'POST))

(define (request-path-components request)
  "Split the URI path of REQUEST into a list of component strings.  For
example: \"/foo/bar\" yields '(\"foo\" \"bar\")."
  (split-and-decode-uri-path (uri-path (request-uri request))))

(define (make-request-handler)
  (lambda (request body)
    (format #t "~a ~a~%"
     (request-method request)
     (uri-path (request-uri request)))

     ((get-request? request)
      (match (request-path-components request)
 ((or ("index.html") '())
  (render-html (template `(div (@ (id "content")
      (class "container-fluid"))
          (h1 "The index awww yeah")))))
 (("paste" "new")
  (render-html (template paste-form)))
 (("paste" hash)
  (render-html (template `(div (@ (id "content")
      (class "container-fluid"))
          (h1 ,hash)))))
 (("static" path ...)
  (render-static-asset request))
  (render-static-asset request))
  (not-found request))))
     ((post-request? request)
      (match (request-path-components request)
 (("paste" "new")
  (if body
      (render-html (template `(h1 "Post Data: ",(map (lambda (v)
             `(code ,v))
           (request-form-data request body)))))
      (render-html (template `(div (h1 "nobody"))))))
  (not-found request)))))))

(define* (run-pastebin #:key (repl? #f))
  (when repl?
    (repl:spawn-server (repl:make-tcp-server-socket)))
  (format #t "Server Started: http://localhost:8080/\n\n")
  (run-server (make-request-handler)))

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