# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Eltex.LTE.get_chassis_id
## Copyright (C) 2007-2014 The NOC Project
## See LICENSE for details

## Python modules
from __future__ import with_statement
import re
## NOC modules
from noc.sa.script import Script as NOCScript
from noc.sa.interfaces import IGetChassisID

class Script(NOCScript):
    name = "Eltex.LTE.get_chassis_id"
    implements = [IGetChassisID]
    cache = True

    rx_mac = re.compile(r"^\s+MAC address:\s+(?P<mac>\S+)$", re.MULTILINE)

    def execute(self):
        # Fallback to CLI
        with self.profile.switch(self):
#        with self.configure():
#            self.cli("switch")
            mac = self.cli("show interfaces mac-address front-port 0",
            match = self.rx_mac.search(mac)
            mac1 = match.group("mac")
            mac = self.cli("show interfaces mac-address pon-port 7",
            match = self.rx_mac.search(mac)
            mac2 = match.group("mac")
#            self.cli("exit")
        return {
            "first_chassis_mac": mac1,
            "last_chassis_mac": mac2

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