#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string> 

using namespace std;

struct Athlete
    int aID;
    int aAge;
    std::string aName;
    std::string aCountry;
    char aGender;


struct Event
       int eID;
       std::string eName;
       std::string eRecord;

struct Registration
       int rID;
       Athlete rAthlete;
       Event rEvent;

void readregistration(Registration *reg,int &size;) //something is wrong with this function starting from the while loop
     string location;
     fstream input;
     char a;
     cout<<"Enter File Directory and Name"<<endl;
      // users enter loaction of file;
            for(int i; i < 10; i++){       

       for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         cout<< reg[i].rID<< reg[i].aID<< reg[i].rAthlete.aName<< reg[i].rAthlete.aAge<< reg[i].rAthlete.aGender<< reg[i].rAthlete.aCountry<< reg[i].rEvent.eID<< reg[i].rEvent.eName<< reg[i].rEvent.eRecord;                

int main()
     Registration registration[20];
    Registration * reg = registration[0]; // doubt here, should it be : ..... *reg = registration ?
    int size = 20;
    cout<<"1.Read and display registration file"<<endl;
    cout<<"2.List all athletes by event"<<endl;
    cout<<"3.List all athletes by country"<<endl;
    cout<<"4.Read and display result file"<<endl;
    cout<<"5.List medal counts by country"<<endl;
    cout<<"6.Display medal tally"<<endl;
    cout<<"7.Exit" <<endl;
    return 0;

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