# IRC b0t that keeps track of RSS feeds
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# Copyright (2009) by Akarsh Simha

import irclib
import feedparser
import os
import threading
import time

channel_list = [ "#botcommunity" ] # Put in a list of channels
feed_list = [ "http://askubuntu.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=community&sort=votes"]
old_entries_file = os.environ.get("HOME") + "/.b0t/old-feed-entries"

irc = irclib.IRC()
server = irc.server()

server.connect( "irc.freenode.org", 6667, "communitybot" ) # TODO: Make this general
# server.privmsg( "NickServ", "identify " )

msgqueue = []

def feed_refresh():
 #print "Test"
 FILE = open( old_entries_file, "r" )
 filetext = FILE.read()
 for feed in feed_list:
  NextFeed = False
  d = feedparser.parse( feed )
  for entry in d.entries:
   id = entry.link.encode('utf-8')+entry.title.encode('utf-8')
   if id in filetext:
    NextFeed = True
    FILE = open( old_entries_file, "a" )
    #print entry.title + "\n"
    FILE.write( id + "\n" )
    msgqueue.append( entry.title.encode('utf-8') + " : " + entry.link.encode('utf-8') )
   if NextFeed:

 t = threading.Timer( 900.0, feed_refresh ) # TODO: make this static

for channel in channel_list:
  server.join( channel )


while 1:
 while len(msgqueue) > 0:
  msg = msgqueue.pop()
  for channel in channel_list:
   server.privmsg( channel, msg )
 time.sleep(1) # TODO: Fix bad code
 time.sleep(1) # So that we don't hog the CPU!

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