/* Written by Brian Gosney
   Programming Started January 27th, 2011
   Uses AdaFruit WaveShield to voice alert.
    Pin use notes:
    WaveShield: DI - 4, LAT - 5, CLK - 8, CCS - 10, LCS - 7
    Door trigger: Pin 2 (low on trigger)
    Water sensor: Pin 3 (high on trigger)
    "Robot head" trigger: Pin 9
    Future plans: Light Sensor Analog 0\
    This sketch licensed Creative Commons
#include "WaveHC.h"
#include "WaveUtil.h"
#include <CapSense.h>

volatile boolean isArmed = false;
volatile boolean doorOpen = false;
volatile boolean doorAjar = false;
volatile boolean warnedAboutDoor = false;
volatile unsigned long doorTime = 0; // debounce variable
volatile unsigned long flushTime = 0;  // ditto
volatile unsigned long visitTime = 0;  // When the system arms, this is the time it armed.
volatile boolean alarming = false;
unsigned long lastWarble = 0;

// The next 5 lines are for the WaveShield WaveHC library
SdReader card;
FatVolume vol;
FatReader root;
FatReader file;
WaveHC wave;

// CapSense, so you can disarm the alarm by touching the Robot's antenae
CapSense antenae = CapSense(A1, A2);

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
  attachInterrupt(1, doorMonitor, RISING);
  attachInterrupt(0, toiletMonitor, RISING);
  card.init();  // Completely ignoring errors that might get returned. This is an embedded system, it should always Just Work.
  doorTime = millis();
  flushTime = doorTime;
  visitTime = doorTime;

void talkNow(byte whatToSay) {
  Serial.println("Talking requested");
  while (wave.isplaying) { Serial.println("Waiting.. "); }
  switch (whatToSay) {
    case 1:
    file.open(root, "ENTER.WAV");
    case 2:
    file.open(root, "THANKS.WAV");
    case 3:
    file.open(root, "SHUTDOOR.WAV");
    case 4:
    file.open(root, "FORGOT.WAV");
    case 5:
    file.open(root, "TURNOFF.WAV");
    case 6:
    file.open(root, "WASHHAND.WAV");
    case 7:
    file.open(root, "DISARMED.WAV");

void doorMonitor() {
  Serial.print("DoorTriggered ");
  delay(300); // An attempt to debounce the door trigger.
  if (digitalRead(3)==LOW) { return; } // Debounce attempt, if after 300ms the door appears to be shut rather than open, this was a door shutting bounce. 
  if (alarming) { return; }  // If the alarm is already going off, only flushing the toilet or disarming will help. 
//  talkNow(6);
  if ((millis()-doorTime) > 12000) {  // 12 seconds to open/shut door. Debounces for both the open and close. - Primary debounce routine.
    Serial.println("Doortime is more than 12 seconds");
    doorTime = millis(); // Note time of door opening for the debounce.
    lastWarble = millis() - 20000;
    if (isArmed) {  
      alarming = true; // If it's armed they entered the bathroom and are now leaving without disarming (toilet flush), set off alarm.
    } else { // need to add if statement to see if toilet recently flushed.
      if (digitalRead(2)==LOW) { // if the toilet tank is full, they're probably entering, not leaving.
      isArmed = true;  // If it's not armed then the door opening will arm the system.
      talkNow(1);  // weclome them to the bathroom.

void toiletMonitor() {
  Serial.println("Toilet Flushed");
  if (!isArmed) { return; } // There is some "bounce" at the top of the refill cycle. This should ignore it.
  if ((millis()-flushTime) > 3000) { // Debounce, we don't want it saying the same thing several times.
      Serial.println("Toilet disarm.");
      isArmed = false;  // Disarm
      alarming = false;  // Turn off the alarm if the flush came too late.
      flushTime = millis();  // Part of debounce
      talkNow(2); // Thank them for flushing.

void letsMakeSomeNoise(byte whatToSay) {
  if ((millis()-lastWarble)> 10000) { // Wait 10 seconds between alarm noises.
    lastWarble=millis(); // update start time of last noise.
    digitalWrite(9, LOW); // Trigger the "warble" alarm built into the robot head.
    delay(1100);  // Wait 1 second for the sound to be made.
    digitalWrite(9, HIGH);  // includes the blinking LEDs that make up the eyes and mouth.
    talkNow(whatToSay);  // Call the talking subroutine.

void loop() {
//  Serial.println("mainloop");
  if (isArmed) {
    if ((millis()-visitTime) > 480000) {
      isArmed = false;  // If the door opens, and shuts, and remains shut
                        // for more than 8 minutes, it's a bath, not a toilet
                        // visit, so disarm the toilet check.
      return; // break out of this if statement.
    if (antenae.capSense(30)>500) { // Check to see if the antenae are being touched.
      Serial.println("I feel that");
      isArmed = false;   // Manual disarm
      alarming = false;  // If the alarm is actively going off, stop.
      talkNow(7);  // Announce manual disarm state.
    if (alarming) {
      letsMakeSomeNoise(4);   // I think this whole statement is hilarious.
  if ((digitalRead(3) == HIGH) && ((millis()-doorTime) > 20000)) {  // If the door is open, and has been for 20+ seconds
    if (!warnedAboutDoor) { // and you haven't already asked for it to be shut
      letsMakeSomeNoise(3);  // Set off alarm, and request they come shut the door.
      warnedAboutDoor = true;  // remember that we warned them so it only does it once.  -- Might add a timer so it'll continue warning every 20 seconds?
  if ((digitalRead(3) == LOW) && warnedAboutDoor) {
    warnedAboutDoor = false;  // reset warning trigger after the door has been shut, if it went off.

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