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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as C++ by DhL ( 13 years ago )
int main( int argc, char **argv )
 string CFGFile = "update_dota_elo.cfg";

 if( argc > 1 && argv[1] )
  CFGFile = argv[1];

 CConfig CFG;
 CFG.Read( CFGFile );

 string Server = "localhost";
 string Database = "******";
 string User = "*****";
 string Password = "**************************";
 int Port = 3306;

 cout << "connecting to database server" << endl;
 MYSQL *Connection = NULL;

 if( !( Connection = mysql_init( NULL ) ) )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 my_bool Reconnect = true;
 mysql_options( Connection, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &Reconnect; );

 if( !( mysql_real_connect( Connection, Server.c_str( ), User.c_str( ), Password.c_str( ), Database.c_str( ), Port, NULL, 0 ) ) )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 cout << "connected" << endl;
 cout << "beginning transaction" << endl;

 string QBegin = "BEGIN";

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QBegin.c_str( ), QBegin.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 cout << "creating tables" << endl;

 string QCreate2 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dota_elo_games_scored ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, gameid INT NOT NULL )";

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QCreate1.c_str( ), QCreate1.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QCreate2.c_str( ), QCreate2.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 cout << "getting unscored games" << endl;
 queue<uint32_t> UnscoredGames;

 string QSelectUnscored = "SELECT id FROM games WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT gameid FROM dota_elo_games_scored ) ORDER BY id";

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QSelectUnscored.c_str( ), QSelectUnscored.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;
  MYSQL_RES *Result = mysql_store_result( Connection );

  if( Result )
   vector<string> Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );

   while( !Row.empty( ) )
    UnscoredGames.push( UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[0] ) );
    Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );

   mysql_free_result( Result );
   cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
   return 1;

 cout << "found " << UnscoredGames.size( ) << " unscored games" << endl;

 while( !UnscoredGames.empty( ) )
  uint32_t GameID = UnscoredGames.front( );
  UnscoredGames.pop( );

  string QSelectPlayers = "SELECT dota_elo_scores.id, gameplayers.name, spoofedrealm, newcolour, winner, score FROM dotaplayers LEFT JOIN dotagames ON dotagames.gameid=dotaplayers.gameid LEFT JOIN gameplayers ON gameplayers.gameid=dotaplayers.gameid AND gameplayers.colour=dotaplayers.colour LEFT JOIN dota_elo_scores ON dota_elo_scores.name=gameplayers.name AND server=spoofedrealm WHERE dotaplayers.gameid=" + UTIL_ToString( GameID );

  string formula = "(((wins-losses)/totgames)+(kills-deaths+assists/2)+(creepkills/100+creepdenies/10+neutralkills/50)+(raxkills/6)+(towerkills/11))";
  if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QSelectPlayers.c_str( ), QSelectPlayers.size( ) ) != 0 )
   cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
   return 1;
   MYSQL_RES *Result = mysql_store_result( Connection );

   string QSelectFormule = "select name,server, ("+formula+") as totalscore from(select *, (totgames-wins) as losses from (select gp.name as name,ga.server as server,gp.gameid as gameid, gp.colour as colour, avg(dp.courierkills) as courierkills, avg(dp.raxkills) as raxkills, avg(dp.towerkills) as towerkills, avg(dp.assists) as assists, avg(dp.creepdenies) as creepdenies, avg(dp.creepkills) as creepkills,avg(dp.neutralkills) as neutralkills, avg(dp.deaths) as deaths, avg(dp.kills) as kills, count(*) as totgames, SUM(case when((dg.winner = 1 and dp.newcolour < 6) or (dg.winner = 2 and dp.newcolour > 6)) then 1 else 0 end) as wins from gameplayers as gp, dotagames as dg, games as ga,dotaplayers as dp where dg.winner <> 0 and dp.gameid = gp.gameid and dg.gameid = dp.gameid and dp.gameid = ga.id and gp.gameid = dg.gameid and gp.colour = dp.colour and dp.gameid = " + UTIL_ToString( GameID );
      QSelectFormule +=" group by gp.name having totgames >= 0) as h) as i ORDER BY totalscore desc, name asc";

   if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QSelectFormule.c_str( ), QSelectFormule.size( ) ) != 0 )
    cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    return 1;

   MYSQL_RES *Result2 = mysql_store_result( Connection );
   if( Result )
    cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " found" << endl;

    bool ignore = false;
    uint32_t rowids[10];
    string names[10];
    string servers[10];
    bool exists[10];
    int num_players = 0;
    float player_ratings[10];
    int player_teams[10];
    int num_teams = 2;
    float team_ratings[2];
    float team_winners[2];
    int team_numplayers[2];
    team_ratings[0] = 0.0;
    team_ratings[1] = 0.0;
    team_numplayers[0] = 0;
    team_numplayers[1] = 0;

    vector<string> Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );

    vector<string> Formula = MySQLFetchRow( Result2 );

    while( Row.size( ) == 6 )

     if( num_players >= 10 )
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has more than 10 players, ignoring" << endl;
      ignore = true;

     uint32_t Winner = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[4] );

     if( Winner != 1 && Winner != 2 )
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no winner, ignoring" << endl;
      ignore = true;
     else if( Winner == 1 )
      team_winners[0] = 1.0;
      team_winners[1] = 0.0;
      team_winners[0] = 0.0;
      team_winners[1] = 1.0;

     if( !Row[0].empty( ) )
      rowids[num_players] = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[0] );
      rowids[num_players] = 0;

     names[num_players] = Row[1];
     servers[num_players] = Row[2];

     if( !Row[5].empty( ) )

      exists[num_players] = true;

       player_ratings[num_players] = UTIL_ToFloat(Formula[2]);

      cout << "new player [" << Row[1] << "] found" << endl;
      exists[num_players] = false;

       player_ratings[num_players] = UTIL_ToFloat(Formula[2]);


     uint32_t Colour = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[3] );

     if( Colour >= 1 && Colour <= 5 )
      player_teams[num_players] = 0;
      team_ratings[0] += player_ratings[num_players];
     else if( Colour >= 7 && Colour <= 11 )
      player_teams[num_players] = 1;
      team_ratings[1] += player_ratings[num_players];
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has a player with an invalid newcolour, ignoring" << endl;
      ignore = true;

     Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );
     Formula = MySQLFetchRow( Result2 );


    mysql_free_result( Result );
    mysql_free_result( Result2 );

    if( !ignore )
     if( num_players == 0 )
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no players, ignoring" << endl;
     else if( team_numplayers[0] == 0 )
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no Sentinel players, ignoring" << endl;
     else if( team_numplayers[1] == 0 )
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no Scourge players, ignoring" << endl;
      cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " is calculating" << endl;

      float old_player_ratings[10];
      //memcpy( old_player_ratings, player_ratings, sizeof( float ) * 10 );
      //team_ratings[0] /= team_numplayers[0];
      //team_ratings[1] /= team_numplayers[1];
      //elo_recalculate_ratings( num_players, player_ratings, player_teams, num_teams, team_ratings, team_winners );

      for( int i = 0; i < num_players; i++ )
       cout << "player [" << names[i] << "] rating " << UTIL_ToString( (uint32_t)old_player_ratings[i] ) << " -> " << UTIL_ToString( (uint32_t)player_ratings[i] ) << endl;

       if( exists[i] )
        string QUpdateScore = "UPDATE dota_elo_scores SET score=" + UTIL_ToString( player_ratings[i], 2 ) + " WHERE id=" + UTIL_ToString( rowids[i] );

        if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QUpdateScore.c_str( ), QUpdateScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
         cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
         return 1;
        string EscName = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, names[i] );
        string EscServer = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, servers[i] );
        string QInsertScore = "INSERT INTO dota_elo_scores ( name, server, score ) VALUES ( '" + EscName + "', '" + EscServer + "', " + UTIL_ToString( player_ratings[i], 2 ) + " )";

        if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QInsertScore.c_str( ), QInsertScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
         cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
         return 1;
    cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    return 1;

  string QInsertScored = "INSERT INTO dota_elo_games_scored ( gameid ) VALUES ( " + UTIL_ToString( GameID ) + " )";

  if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QInsertScored.c_str( ), QInsertScored.size( ) ) != 0 )
   cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
   return 1;

 cout << "copying dota elo scores to scores table" << endl;

 string QCopyScores1 = "DELETE FROM scores WHERE category='dota_elo'";
 string QCopyScores2 = "INSERT INTO scores ( category, name, server, score ) SELECT 'dota_elo', name, server, score FROM dota_elo_scores";

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QCopyScores1.c_str( ), QCopyScores1.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QCopyScores2.c_str( ), QCopyScores2.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 cout << "committing transaction" << endl;

 string QCommit = "COMMIT";

 if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QCommit.c_str( ), QCommit.size( ) ) != 0 )
  cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
  return 1;

 cout << "done" << endl;
 return 0;


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